


We here at Mongoose comics love animals. Over the years we’ve had several pets (fish, dogs, …well, one dog and a ton of fish…I’d love a bird, I think. Maybe a chameleon. Can they really go plaid? I don’t know. Where was I? Oh yeah…Monkeys!!)

Feel free to buy us one. We’d love a monkey…or a chameleon. Truthfully, we’ll take anything. No spiders. We DO NOT accept spiders!

It’s a Mongoose Halloween

Mongoose Halloween 2014

It couldn’t have been anything else. If you don’t know this story, please take a minute and enjoy the reality. It could possibly be the second best thing you see all day. Yeah, the Mongoose is definitely the best thing, you are correct. I hope to hit the Osh-Kosh Outlet Mall sometime soon! Thanks for reading and feel free to share, like, tweet… whatever your little heart desires!

VIDEO: I MIGHT Boycott Bath & Body Works RANT!

A Mongoose Wedding

A Mongoose Wedding

Hard to believe it is finally here! The Mongoose wedding of the century!!

Myles proposed to me in front of his family at Christmas in Oklahoma City. I knew Myles had a surprise, but thought it was for his grandmother or one of his sisters. I had no idea it was for me.

Sadly, we can’t legally get married in Texas, but I got the marriage license and civil ceremony set for 04/21. Myles bought the airline tickets, and we’re heading to San Francisco in the morning!



There’s nothing like sitting around reciting song lyrics to each other without singing. I usually hear lyrics wrong anyway, so why not rewrite them? We had this conversation, and when Myles said, “Eat chicken,” I laughed so hard I snorted. We figured it’d make a good Mongoose.

Not familiar with the song? Check it out on YouTube below.

VIDEO: Florida – Good Feeling

Mongoose Takes on Ghost Hunters!

Mongoose Takes on Ghost Hunters!

Every see one of those reality TV shows where the hosts are chasing noises in an old dark building? They feel some presence or change in temperature after hearing what sounds like a rock being thrown down a hallway. It’s all “100% proof” that ghosts exist. You know what I’m talking about.

Sitting at work one day, I heard some terrifying noises of my own. It was the middle of the day, and there was a crazy thumping sound. That all led to this edition of Mongoose.

Mongoose Pride

Mongoose Pride

Hey Everyone, we will be heading to San Francisco tomorrow morning at an insane hour for our vacation. We will be gone for a week, and won’t have an update for awhile.

For all the GLBT Pride goers this season, especially our friends in Oklahoma City, San Antonio and Austin, be SAFE and have more fun than you should!

Happy Pride. We love you all!